St. Patrick’s Breastplate is a prayer that invites God into every aspect of our lives. We sing a version of this prayer in the hymn “O Christ, Surround Me.” This presence of God in every moment of our lives is not something we have to ask for in order to receive. It is true whether we recognize it or not. So when we pray this prayer we are not so much asking God to show up as we are asking God to help us to wake up to his presence. Just before his ascension Jesus said to his disciples “Remember, I am with you always,” and much of the discipleship journey is simply about waking up to this truth. During this Lenten sermon series we will explore the ways Jesus is with us in all of the seasons of life. Using the description of life’s seasons in Ecclesiastes 3 as our outline, we will unpack a variety of New Testament texts that speak to Jesus’ experience of and teaching about these seasons and the relationship with God that remains steadfast in spite of the ebb and flow of life.
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