
Five Week Lenten Small Group Discussion 

Tuesdays 6:30 pm, February 23-March 23, 2021

In the Garden of Gethsemane hours before his death Jesus’ urgent plea to his disciples was that they watch and pray.  His request was not that they mount a rebellion and save him, it was that they be with him and take in what this desperate hour had to teach them.  As we learn to pray we discover that prayer is as much about being with and silent before God as it is about talking to God. In this five-week Lenten small group curriculum we pair two sources that are designed to help us grow in our ability to pay attention to God’s voice and look for the signs of God’s presence.  Each week we will pair a Psalm with one of Brian Doyle’s essays from his collection One Long River of Song and discuss how these texts invite us to wake up to the presence of God.  

These discussions will take place on Zoom.  You can either join the group that will meet on Tuesday evenings or put together your own group.  If you want to put together your own group, we will get you set up on Zoom so that you can use the church’s account.  A curriculum that includes a copy of the Doyle’s essays and discussion questions will be provided to groups. Or you can work through the curriculum on your own.  If you are interested in being a part of the Tuesday group, which will be facilitated by Crista Gregory and Connie Weber, or interested in forming your own group, or simply want a copy of the curriculum, please contact Dave Rohrer,